📣🚨 Emergency Platform Improvements Underway

📢 Maintenance

We are currently implementing emergency improvements on our platform to enhance your experience. These improvements include the addition of a custom domain with a CNAME feature and automatic SSL, load balancing, and IP filtering for enhanced performance, as well as additional security measures.

Please note that during this time, there will be a temporary interruption in the usage of QR codes. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. However, rest assured that the upgrades will be completed swiftly, and it should only take approximately 01 hours to finalize the process.

We appreciate your understanding and patience during this time. Stay tuned for the completion of these improvements, as they will further enhance your usage of our platform.

Thank you for your continued support.

Subin Babu

10 months ago

Subin Babu changed status to 📢 Maintenance

10 months ago

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