🚨 Important Update: Enhancements and CNAME Setup

💪 Added

We have some 🔥 exciting news to share! We have recently implemented several enhancements to the ElkQR app to provide you with an even better QR code management experience. In addition, we are thrilled to introduce a highly anticipated feature: CNAME with auto SSL.

With the new CNAME with auto SSL feature, you no longer need to rely on Cloudflare for obtaining SSL certificates for your custom domains.

We have also made significant improvements to the performance and reliability of the app by introducing load balancing and IP filtering. These enhancements will result in faster and more stable service for all users.

To make this transition seamless, we kindly request that you clear your cache and cookies before logging into your ElkQR account.

🙏 Thank you for your continued support and trust in ElkQR. We are committed to delivering the best QR code management solution, and these enhancements bring us one step closer to that goal.

For detailed instructions and FAQs regarding the CNAME setup please visit our documentation page at https://www.elkqr.com/kb/how-to-set-up-a-custom-domain-for-qr-codes/ .

Subin Babu

10 months ago

Subin Babu changed status to 💪 Added

10 months ago

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